Thursday 16 August 2018

Random Adventurers - A Gothic grab-bag of stat-blocks for 5e.

Here are some of the original Random Adventurers from the Random Adventurer Table for The Gloom. I think they are appropriately Gloom.

 D20 Roll
 1 A Penitent Soul. A lowly and elderly Mendicant in sackcloth and a hairshirt, clutching a religious icon.

 2 A Knife Dancer. A faded beauty dressed in a once grand but now tatterdemalion coat., concealing knives in her many pockets and petticoats.

 3 A Fallen Knight. His armour is rusted and has darkened to a blood-soaked shade. He hefts his dented sword with reluctance.

 4 A Thug. A quiet giant in battered leathers wields a blackjack and hatchet with a stoic commitment to his purpose.

5 A Heretic. He clutches his forbidden texts close to his heart and wears a much-weathered robe. His bright, passionate eyes glint.

 6 An Occultist. This bookish, bespectacled youth moves with a manic energy.

 7 A Scion of Salt. Every inch of this old sailor is covered in tattoos, many of which are sexually explicit. He grins in a mouth missing many teeth and wields an old cutlass.

 8 A Grizzled Veteran. Missing an eye, this old solider project a sturdy confidence from beneath his wide-brimmed helmet. He trudges, despite the weight of his armour, with the studied nonchalance of a veteran campaigner.

 9 A Fallen Woman. This old matron was perhaps a fair sight in her youth, and she still wears a face masked in extensive make-up. Beneath her torn dress bulge a brace of pistols and a knife-belt.

 10 A Flagellant Dervish. This exhausted man with circles on his eyes is bare-chested – his back covered in thick, blood-red welts.

 11 A Drunkard Priest. In one hand a rosary hangs, in the other a hip-flask. This portly priest’s soiled robe and red face depict a life spent in indolence, not prayer.

 12 A Hobgoblin Legionary. Stiff-backed and formal, this heavily-armour Hobgoblin carries a large blunderbuss over his back.

 13 A Charlatan. In faded motley, his clownish make-up seeping from his face, this street-entertained has turned his skills to violence.

 14 A Duellist. With the grace and poise of a panther, this exiled noble plies his deadly trade far from home. He wears a masquerade mask and a pistol and rapier slung nonchalantly into a fine belt.

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