Any Imperial Scholar of note must be familiar with the prevailing Humoural Theory of the Undead. Whilst less civilised peoples may believe in such discredited theories as 'negative energy' or 'spontaneous generation' as their means of explaining the existence of the Undead, it is simple reason that the a serious excess or deficit in any one humour will lead to the rising or transformation into an undead creature. Whilst the animating humour determines much of the nature of the creature risen, all undead are united in that they recoil in horror from articles of the faith, and flee before the Eye of the Authority. Thus does the Authority mark them as anathema, to be cast down and destroyed.
Undead can, of course, be animated by sorcery, independent of these types. Mostly they are Melancholic or Choleric Undead, trapped in their remains by sorcery to do the bidding of apostate magi.
The Sanguine Undead - Undead of Blood.
Known also as ghouls or vampirii sanguinis, sanguine undead arise from an excess of blood in the body. This malady can arise piecemeal - excessive unclean and lustful thoughts or the consumption of too much rich food over a life time - or through one horrifying act, such as the consumption of human flesh or blood.

Being of flesh and blood, Sanguine undead can be vanquished like any mortal man by sword and shot and they have no specific weaknesses. However, their rapacious appetites also grant them increased strength. As a ghoul gluts himself on flesh, his corpulent and vast body becomes ever more physically strong, until he can catch and tear open his victim with sheer might: breaking through sturdy doors and dragging some unfortunate out into the night in a single action. A sanguine vampire who has sampled a variety of vintages will take something from each: a thought, a memory, a quart-taste of their sorcerous bloodline. A well-fed sanguine vampire is the truest Renaissance man: a swordsman, poet, lover, sorcerer, rapist, cannibal and fiend.
Sanguine undead are not immortal and the Authority has marked them to expire like any mortal man, but the constant infusion of new vitae can keep them roving and hunting for spans of centuries. Troublingly, they can often conceal themselves among the human flock and prey from such a secluded position on all society.
The Melancholic Undead - Undead of Black BileWhen a figure with an excess of black bile passes, they can sometimes rise as Melancholic Undead. This can happen in minutes, weeks or centuries, and none can say what causes the disparity. Some posit that all will one day rise as Melancholic Undead. They are the silent and sure guardians of forgotten tombs and in the ruins of lost cities. Some are animated bone, treading on calcified feet the perimeter of diminutive tombs. Others are mere spirit, their temporal remains now simply dust, drifting like leaves on the winds around the black and silent depths of their resting-place. We may posit that many thousands such undead occupy their dark, quiet sanctums, awaiting the Eschaton with the same silent patience as stone.
Despite their sure pensivity and seeming passivity, tomb-raiders, gentleman-archaeologists and the occasional desperate body-snatcher may find themselves the victim of Melancholic Undead. When disturbed they will make sure and silent war on interlopers, dragging antique weaponry after them in the dark to drive them from their resting-places. Truly, these undead are not unquiet until man makes them so.
Melancholic undead are hardy and difficult to destroy. Many have noted the broken and shattered remains of vanquished Melancholic undead dragging themselves together to renew their struggle with the living. Holy magic can cast them down, and destruction of the remains by fire or pulverising can end them permanently. Those with no mortal remains are oft anchored to an object of sentiment or importance: destroying this can scatter the apparition permanently.
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