Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Age of Sail Sailing and Ship Combat Rules 5e

With the advent of Ghosts of Saltmarsh, the good people at Wizards of the Coast have released their rules 'Of Ships and the Sea'. I think these rules are really problematic in their attempt to mesh 5e combat with a different game entirely (Why does a ship need an intelligence score if they're always going to have a 0? For the fringe case of a 'magic item possessed ship'?) and it turns the ships into video-games style centrally controlled robots, not the complex little societies and hives they were.

I tried to make a slightly different set aimed at an Age of Sail / Pirate themed campaign world, that of my new campaign Sea Wolves.  Give them a look and shoot me some feedback before they're put out to sea with my new players (almost all D&D virgins).

Ship Combat and Sailing Rules

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